The Home Depot家得宝人权验厂清单

来源 作者:温州验厂网 发布时间:2012-09-20

超网在验厂咨询行业已有15年的专业经验,也辅导过上万家工厂顺利的通过验厂,得到广大新老客户的信赖。为更好的帮助工厂通过验厂,下面是由上海超网为大家提供的有关The Home Depot家得宝人权验厂清单的详细内容。

The Home Depot家得宝人权验厂清单:

1. Business Registration certificates

2. Labor contract (individual)

3. Factory regulations, including the policies on working hour system, overtime compensation and other legal benefits

4. Employment registration records

5.Written policy and training records on anti-harassment/ discrimination/ abuse

6.Written policy and training records on forced labor prevention

7.Written policy and training records on freedom of movement/ employment

8.Records of company handbook distribution/notification

9.Approval on comprehensive calculation of working hour system (if applicable) or overtime waiver

10.Official testimonials on coverage of social insurance schemes

11.Fire drill records

12.Fire prevention certification

13.Payment receipt of social insurance schemes

14.MSDS for hazardous substances / chemicals

15.Work permits for special and dangerous operations

16.Hygiene certificate for the canteen in factory

17.Health examination records of juvenile workers (aged 16-18)

18.Health examination records of canteen workers

19.First aid certificates

20.Leave application

21.Attendance records of previous 12 months

22.Payroll records of previous 12 months

23.Production records 推荐阅读:>>>Homedepot家得宝行为守则

以上便是对The Home Depot家得宝人权验厂清单的英文介绍,如果您对此内容有什么不明白,或者想要对家得宝人权验厂做跟多的了解的话,您都可以点击网站右方的在线客服或者直接致电上海超网与我们专业的验厂辅导专家进行详细交流沟通,我们免费为您解答验厂难题,保证为您提供最满意的服务。
